General Resolution: Sponsorship requirements for General Resolutions

Time Line

Proposal and amendment Saturday, 21st March, 2009 Wednesday, 25nd March, 2009
Discussion Period: Wednesday, 25nd March, 2009 Wednesday, 8th April, 2009

This vote has been withdrawn


Joerg Jaspert [[email protected]] [text of proposal]
Discussion originally started with [this message.]


  1. Russ Allbery [[email protected]] [mail]
  2. Mark Hymers [[email protected]] [mail]
  3. Kartik Mistry [[email protected]] [mail]
  4. Andreas Metzler [[email protected]] [mail]
  5. Neil Williams [[email protected]] [mail]
  6. Bernd Zeimetz [[email protected]] [mail]
  7. Gustavo Noronha [[email protected]] [mail]
  8. Stephen Gran [[email protected]] [mail]
  9. Steve McIntyre [[email protected]] [mail]


Choice 1: Change seconders to 2Q [3:1]

General Resolutions are an important framework within the Debian Project. Yet, in a project the size of Debian, the current requirements to initiate one are too small.

Therefore the Debian project resolves that

  1. The constitution gets changed to not require K developers to sponsor a resolution, but floor(2Q). [see §4.2(1)]
  2. Delaying a decision of a Delegate or the DPL [§4.2(2.2)], as well as resolutions against a shortening of discussion/voting period or to overwrite a TC decision [§4.2(2.3)] requires floor(Q) developers to sponsor the resolution.
  3. the definition of K gets erased from the constitution. [§4.2(7)]

(Numbers in brackets are references to sections in the constitution).

Amendment Proposer A

Joerg Jaspert [[email protected]] [text of proposal]

Amendment Seconds A

  1. Matthew Johnson [[email protected]] [mail]
  2. Bernd Zeimetz [[email protected]] [mail]
  3. Patrick Schoenfeld [[email protected]] [mail]
  4. Alexander Reichle-Schmehl [[email protected]] [mail]
  5. Martín Ferrari [[email protected]] [mail]
  6. Steve McIntyre [[email protected]] [mail]
  7. Colin Tuckley [[email protected]] [mail]
  8. Russ Allbery [[email protected]] [mail]
  9. Peter Palfrader [[email protected]] [mail]

Amendment Text A

Choice 2: Change seconders to Q [3:1]

General Resolutions are an important framework within the Debian Project. Yet, in a project the size of Debian, the current requirements to initiate one are too small.

Therefore the Debian project resolves that

  1. The constitution gets changed to not require K developers to sponsor a resolution, but floor(Q). [see §4.2(1)]
  2. Delaying a decision of a Delegate or the DPL [§4.2(2.2)], as well as resolutions against a shortening of discussion/voting period or to overwrite a TC decision [§4.2(2.3)] requires floor(Q) developers to sponsor the resolution.
  3. the definition of K gets erased from the constitution. [§4.2(7)]

(Numbers in brackets are references to sections in the constitution).

Amendment Proposer B

Lucas Nussbaum [[email protected]] [text original proposal] [text corrected proposal]

Amendment Seconds B

  1. Frans Pop [[email protected]] [mail]
  2. Raphaël Hertzog [[email protected]] [mail]
  3. Julien Blache [[email protected]] [mail]
  4. Wouter Verhelst [[email protected]] [mail]
  5. Matthew Vernon [[email protected]] [mail]
  6. Anthony Towns [[email protected]] [mail]
  7. Ian Jackson [[email protected]] [mail]
  8. Bill Allombert [[email protected]] [mail]
  9. Anibal Monsalve Salazar [[email protected]] [mail]
  10. Charles Plessy [[email protected]] [mail]
  11. Steve Langasek [[email protected]] [mail]
  12. Robert Millan [[email protected]] [mail]

Amendment Text B

Choice 3: Keep seconders as is [1:1]

General Resolutions are an important framework within the Debian Project. While over the years, some problems have arisen during the discussion and/or voting of some resolutions, there is no evidence that changing the number of sponsors (seconds) for GR proposals or amendments will help solve those problems. Instead, by making it harder to propose general resolutions or amendments, it might make it harder to improve imperfect resolutions, or to add valuable options to a ballot.

Therefore the Debian project reaffirms the current requirements for the sponsoring (seconding) of GR proposals or amendments, and for overruling of delegates.

Debian Project Secretary